RPL Rural Property & Livestock P/L
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Auction ID: 14828


"sold" !!! "rosabel", First Time Offered In Over 100 Years... Auctioned In-room The Cottage, Longreach Hall Of Fame & On-line

Stockmans Hall Of Fame 4730, QLD
Livestream Held Online and In-Room

Auction Times & Description

Summary Rosabel, situated along the banks of the Thomson River, is presented to the market for the first time in over 100 years, offering a prime investment opportunity in the hear...
Sales Starts: 25/07/2024 11:00 AEST

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"sold" !!! "rosabel", First Time Of...
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Auction ID 14828
Stockmans Hall Of Fame Longrea...
Sales Starts: 25/07/2024 11:00 AEST

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