RayWhite Range
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Real Estate for Ray White

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Auction ID: 2570


16 Wilga Avenue Oakey

16 Oakey, 4401, QLD

Auction Times & Description

Grab the best of both worlds being situated on just over 2.5 acres in a quiet and private cul de sac street on the edge of Oakey and only 20 minutes to Toowoomba. Brand spanking ne...

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Auction ID: 2571


323 Acres Of Flat Prime Cultivation

3137 Oakey, 4401, QLD

Auction Times & Description

129.52 hectares (323 acres ) of flat prime cultivation in a district where land holdings of this quality rarely become available. Soil consists of some loam mostly black and has re...

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323 Acres Of Flat Prime Cultivation
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Auction ID 2571
3137 Toowoomba Cecil Plains Roa...
16 Wilga Avenue Oakey
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Auction ID 2570
16 Wilga Street Oakey 4401 QLD

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